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Dr. Kristi Otti is a holistic dentist and psychotherapist. She has a unique set of skills that allow her to analyse a whole individual human being through thorough examination of the teeth.
After graduating from Tartu University as a dentist in 1988, she started to look for reasons why the condition of teeth is not only affected by patient’s physical health but also their emotional and even spiritual wellbeing. Dr. Otti spent years in research in order to learn more about the connection between the body and the mind.
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Dr. Otti then graduated as a holistic psychotherapist from Holistic Institute of Tallin in 2012. To advance her knowledge and understanding of how pain develops and where it initially comes from she enrolled into Kentucky University, in the United States in 2013. Professor Jeff Okason payed a big role in her studies by introducing her to the idea that teeth pain could originate from a completely seemingly irrelevant physical issue or condition.
Through her studies and practices, Dr. Otti has created a unique and well-grounded teaching on holistic dentistry. She believes that all areas of our health are connected, every disharmony in the mouth is tied to total body health, including emotional and spiritual aspects.
Dr. Kristi Otti treats dental problems by focusing on the person entirely. If a patient comes to her with a root canal inflammation, she will be able to pinpoint the physical, mental and spiritual issues that are behind it. Every tooth is a symbol and tells a story.
Her courses unique to Spirit Mountain will be available in the near future.
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